Purchase College, SUNY
Student Services Bldg. Floor 2
Purchase, NY 10577
(914) 251- 6032
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Preparing to Go Abroad

AdditionalTravel Preparation & Tips

Airline Tickets

Start researching flights so you can budget your money. Check out the International Travel Tips included in this section of the website.

Passport. If you don't have a passport, apply as soon as possible.

Get a Passport

Immigration, Visas, and Embassies

A Visa is the government document required by your host country and is often a stamp in your Passport. Some Visas can take several weeks to obtain. Make sure you understand the requirements for your specific Visa.

Contact your program provider or sending institution and Embassy or Consulate of the country you plan to study in for specific requirements and regulations and specific instructions about how to apply and obtain a visa for your destination. Also, register with the U.S. Embassy before you travel through the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program.

Responsible, Sustainable International Travel: Impact

Study abroad exposes students to the world. It also exposes the world to the environmental, social, and economic impacts of international travel. Read through the following information and tips about sustainable travel and study abroad. Make an effort to take into account the ways in which you may impact the world while studying, living, working, traveling, or volunteering abroad.

Learn About Your Destination

Before you go, read as much as possible about the country where you will reside. Libraries, bookstores, and tourist bureaus are good resources to find out more information about the country. Also, check out the information on the International Travel Tips link of our website. You can also visit a country's Embassy website to locate Consulate information and services. Country-specific consulate websites are full of information for visitors: tourists, students, businesses.

Talk to a Peer

Returned students will give you information that you can't get from a guidebook. They can give you advice on what to pack, how to make friends, and the cheapest way to call home. If you don't know anyone who has studied abroad, ask your advisor for names and contact information of students who have studied abroad.

Arrival at your Destination

Some universities arrange to have you picked up at the airport. Be sure to arrange this prior to your departure from the U.S. Many universities and programs also provide you with clear instructions on your arrival and what to do to get from the airport to your next destination. It's also a good idea to travel with contact information for people you may be meeting upon arrival. 

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